Naveen VLarge Language Models (LLMs): A Dive into Fine Tuning with Practical ExamplesIn this article, we’ll explore the process of fine-tuning a pre-trained LLM. We’ll begin by introducing essential concepts and techniques…Dec 5, 2023Dec 5, 2023
Naveen VHeart Disease Risk Prediction using Supervised Machine LearningWe will be discussing about coronary heart disease with a dataset, preprocessing data, exploratory analysis, feature selection, SMOTE…Jul 20, 2021Jul 20, 2021
Naveen VHand written Digit Recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN) on MNIST dataset (p-6)We will be discussing how to implement a Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) model to recognize digits from MNIST dataset. Topics involve…Jun 21, 20211Jun 21, 20211
Naveen VConvolutional Neural Networks-CNN Concepts(p-5)We will be discussing the concepts of CNN, which involve CNN architecture, Convolutional Layers, Pooling Layer, Relu activation function…Jun 20, 2021Jun 20, 2021
Naveen VHand Written Digit Recognition using Deep Neural Networks with MNIST dataset (p-4)A program to identify handwritten digits from 0 to 9 using basic deep neural networks. We will discuss how to implement this model.Jun 20, 2021Jun 20, 2021
Naveen VMulticlass Classification using Deep Neural Networks (p-3)We are going to discuss Multi-Class classification topics used in deep neural networks and how to implement them. Topics discussed in this…Jun 20, 2021Jun 20, 2021
Naveen VNon-Linear Classification model using Deep neural networks (p-2)We will be discussing how to perform binary classification using Non-linear neural network model. Concepts include Non-linear model, Feed…Jun 15, 2021Jun 15, 2021
Naveen VLinear Classification model using neural networks(Basics of Deep Neural Networks)We are going to build a Linear classification model to understand the neural network concepts. And then we will step into Deep Neural…Jun 14, 2021Jun 14, 2021